Fostering LGBTQ+ Well-being: The Power of Family and Friends

Family and friends are crucial in supporting the mental health of LGBTQ+ individuals, who often face more mental health challenges than others.

According to a recent government report, sexual minority individuals (lesbian/gay and bisexual) are more likely to experience mental illness and serious thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts compared to straight individuals.

The Trevor Project's latest national survey revealed that over 40% of LGBTQ+ young people seriously considered suicide in the past year, with transgender, nonbinary, and/or people of color reporting even higher rates.

Creating a supportive environment is vital. LGBTQ+ youth with affirming homes, schools, communities, and online spaces have lower suicide attempt rates. Affirming gender identity also correlates with reduced suicide attempts.

Here are some tips for providing support:

  • Educate yourself about LGBTQ+ issues and mental health warning signs.

  • Listen actively and compassionately without judgment.

  • Respect their identity and pronouns.

  • Foster acceptance and support within your circles.

  • Connect them to LGBTQ+-friendly mental health resources when needed.

Supporting LGBTQ+ children and youth:

  • Let them take the lead in sharing their identity with others.

  • Connect them with LGBTQ+ adult role models.

  • Stay positive and supportive.

  • Advocate for them in the face of mistreatment.

  • Ensure they know they are loved and supported by their family.

Staying open to their evolving needs and continuing education is key. Strong support from family and friends can significantly improve the mental health and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals.


  • Help in the United States: The Trevor Project, reach out to a counselor if you’re struggling, find answers and information, and get the tools you need to help someone else.

  • Northwest Territories: Northern Mosaic Network: Working to make communities in the Northwest Territories a safer, more open, and more knowledgeable place for all 2SLGBTQIPA+ people and their allies,

  • Nunavut: Isaksimagit Inuusirmi Katujjiqatigiit Embrace Life Council: Helping to address the high rates of suicide in Nunavut are community-driven through the Inuit Qaujimajatungagit (Inuit Guiding Principles).

  • Greenland: Tusaannga: Alle børn, unge og voksne, som har brug for at tale eller skrive med nogen kan kontakte Tusaannga. Det er anonymt og gratis at kontakte Tusaannga - du kan også ringe eller skrive selvom du ikke har mere Tusass. - Telefon: 80 11 80 - SMS: 18 99 -


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